Actual use
Best coffee and premium dessert (Korea No.2)
Moon’s Kimchi
100% domestic & safe food
Point ZIP
Integrated point shopping mall
Read the adults’ imagination
No.1 contents exchange
Korean No.1 contents provider
Storage service that fits well for me
No.1 File Storage Service as always
1. If both Pending Balance and Total paid don't show up
In this case, mining is not working well. There should be some issues. Double check your 'start.bat' and wallet address.
2. Pending Balance shows up, but Total paid doESN't show up
It means that mining is working well, but it is not paid yet. It usually take some time to pay depend on hash rate. Therefore, you can get paid after few hours in general. However, ask to pool manager for this issue if it is not paid after few hours. There could be some issues on the mining pool.
3. Both Pending Balance and Total paid show up, but no balance on your wallet
There is no issue on your mining. Check version of your wallet or synchronize the wallet